Breathwork is the most effective tool to help reduce stress


I am super excited to have this 3-page feature in TOP Sante and humbled by their kindest words “… making a difference in the world of wellbeing.”

I shared my journey into holistic health following a devastating stress-induced burnout causing partial paralysis.

Burnout gave me the nudge I needed to look after my health and find practical tools to help me manage stress in my daily life and career.

In this wonderful feature I also shared

  • my medical background as a Qualified Nurse and its crucial role in creating a science and medicine holistic health practice I have today.
  • launch of BreathZone and our trademark mindfulness and Breathwork-based services.
  • challenges of leaving a career path behind.
  • two minute-long practical breathwork exercises that you can try and effortlessly incorporate into your daily life and work environment.
  • how to make self-care a non-negotiable part of everyday life.

Read the Top Sante feature here:

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the Guardian

Life After Burnout

Being a front page in Guardian is such an honour. In this feature, I shared how I used Breathworks and Mindfulness to restore my health
