Breathzone Signature Breathwork ®

Reach your optimal Mind – Body balance and performance

Breathwork at its best, super charged with Mindfulness

Our Signature Breathwork offering help you achieve long-lasting positive change with carefully selected Mindfulness-based tools and practices.

These two modalities are two sides of the same coin supporting all aspects of our wellbeing and, for the first time, offered together. Imagine being able to not only learn our empowering breathwork tool-kit but also effortlessly incorporate them into your life.

Melike Breathzone

What to Expect

Your initial Signature Breathwork ® session with Melike will start with in-depth Breath Analysis. By carefully observing and analysing your existing breathing pattern, Melike will select the right breathwork practices suitable to your needs and objectives. Our work always starts with you.

Melike will share with you all her findings, helping you to gain deep awareness of your breathing. You will also benefit from understanding the effect of your existing breathing pattern on your physiology and mind-body balance. Our work always starts with you.

In a typical Breathzone Signature Breathwork ® session, you will receive

· Coaching consultation

An integral part of personalising the session to your needs and objectives

· Breathing Analysis

A method unique to Breathzone. Melike will observe your existing breathing pattern – depth, pace, rate and muscle activation – and customise the session for you accordingly.

· Full Breathing session

Lasting between 40 - 55 minutes depending on the session time. Melike will teach and take you through the correct blend of breathing

practices, carefully selected for you.

· Synergy of Mindfulness

Melike will teach you selected exercise and practices to help you integrate breathwork into your day.

· Daily self-practice recommendations

Your daily self-practice is essential in gaining full benefits from our sessions. Melike will take you through your customised breathwork and

mindfulness practices for your self-practice.

You will also benefit from

· Post-session care and resources

Supporting your self-practice and growth between the sessions is integral to our work.

Following each session, you will receive a personal email from Melike with your personalized

  • Breathzone Signature Breathwork ® self-practice information and
  • Practice audio files supporting your daily self-practice, as applicable.

Melike will continue to support you every step of the way.

BreathZone Signature Breathwork® Booking

Experience each session In Person or Online

In person Breathwork sessions are available in Twickenham, conveniently located for Southwest London*.

You can also experience and enjoy BreathZone Signature Breathwork® from the comfort of your home through Online sessions.

All you need is a quiet environment, a mat and a pillow (to lie down and relax) and willingness to experience your breathing in a way that perhaps you have not done before.

Let’s breathe together!

Let's start. Book your Online session

• 90 mins | Initial session | £175

• 75 mins | Standard session | £145

If this is your first BreathZone Signature Breathwork ® one to one appointment with Melike, please book 90 mins Initial Session.

Our experience has shown that a majority of clients achieve optimal results after 6-10 sessions, along with practicing what they have learned in our sessions by themselves on a regular basis.

Discount is applicable for advance booking of a block of sessions and other bespoke packages.

* Twickenham-based Breathwork sessions and classes are ideally located for main hubs Southwest London, including Richmond, Teddington, Kingston, Clapham, Wimbledon, Putney and Battersea.

Therapeutic Use

Emotional and Mental Benefits

Stress | Anxiety | Panic Attacks | Resilience & Adaptability | Activate Natural Rest & Recovery State of the Body | Mood Balance and Regulation | Insomnia | Sleep Ailments | Self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviours | Attention & Focus | Clarity of Mind | Awareness & Connection to Self

Physical Benefits

Correct Breathing Pattern | Respiratory Ailments | Support major functions and systems of body including Cardiovascular, Immune, Digestion and Fertility | Chronic Fatigue / ME | Pain Control and Management | Anaerobic Diseases | Physical Performance

What our clients say

My performance visibly improved

“Melike has an incredible calming presence and is a great listener. I was extremely nervous coming to session but she made me feel completely at ease.

I work in finance under intense pressure every day. I wanted to try breathwork because at few occasions I noticed that I was holding my breath. I find myself increasingly unable to switch off and to deal with work pressures, carrying it to my personal life. Even after my first session with Melike, I started to notice my breath and learned to use it to deal with stress. I feel stronger and in control every day.

My performance visibly improved. I am a much happier person at work and at home. I recommend Melike to everyone wholeheartedly.”


Partner in a financial institution

What a find! Gained powerful realisations and feel empowered

“Melike is very intelligent, intuitive, professional yet very gentle and welcoming. What a find!

Just by observing my breath, she cleverly identified a behavioural pattern. Though I never thought about it, once she picked up on it, I could see how it was affecting my life. In one instance, just like that certain aspects of my life and my thoughts made sense to me. I have experienced very powerful realisations during our session.

Melike truly works to empower people to use their breath and oversee their mind for themselves. Thanks to her, I feel much happier, healthier and peaceful. I want more of it and will book for more.”



Transformed my life

“Melike is a healer. Her knowledge, skill, intuition and pride in her work – all perfect. You helped me to transform my life. Continue with your inspired work.”


Marketing professional

Life changing

“Melike is extremely professional in her approach and welcoming. Right from at the door, she made me feel safe and comfortable throughout the session. I enjoyed her gentle guidance during the session which kept me on track. She is empathetic in every way.

The sessions I had with Melike have been extremely powerful. In fact, I find my sessions with Melike life changing – like peeling all the layers of an onion.

I would not hesitate to recommend Melike to others so that they can benefit from such a caring, compassionate person through her passion in her breath-work. Thanks Melike. And thanks for all the useful tips.”


Holistic health-care professional